The Midwest Golf Course Owners Association (MWGCOA), is an active Chapter of the National Golf Course Owners Association. The Midwest Golf Course Owners Association is a professional association comprised of golf course owners and operators from Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota.
MWGCOA creates successful operators and owners in the industry through collaboration with their peers from over 100 regional golf facilities, and over 4,000 courses throughout the NGCOA network. This access to peers, timely education, and networking events allows operators to solve business challenges quickly, save money, and grow revenue.
MWGCOA advocates for the interests and needs of golf course owners and operators, acting as their voice in promoting policies and initiatives that foster a thriving and sustainable golf industry. We aim to collaborate with local regulatory bodies and stakeholders to ensure fair practices, environmental stewardship, and economic growth within the golf course industry.
Dual Membership Benefits
NGCOA dual membership provides valuable industry-specific information and education to its members, while relationships with industry-leading golf operations suppliers result in discounted rates, rebates, and value-added packages for members.
Vision Statement
The MWGCOA strives to be the leading resource for golf course owners and operators in the Midwest, by working to increase our collaborative member network, expanding regional savings programs, and providing relevant and valuable education through enhanced member networking event opportunities.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who are you?
What is your Mission?
How do you serve your members?
What is your future plan?
” A casual conversation at recent owners meeting provided a strategy to save me thousands of dollars on golf cart purchasing options.” Owner Heritage Links GC
“Been a member since inception – has helped in operational ideas, group purchases and marketing with other member courses in the area..invaluable asset to my operation” Owner Ridges at Sand Creek GC
“We need profitable owners – this Association works so hard to pursue that end…”. Mark Foley, President Minnesota PGA Section
“At the Minnesota Golf Association, we depend on the golf course owners to support the efforts of our association to put on world class state level competitions and qualifying events…this association creates better, smarter owners….thank you for your support!!” Tom Ryan, Executive Director Minnesota Golf Association