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Join the MWGCOA

Join the Midwest Golf Course Owners Association

Golf Course Owners Benefit of Membership Section

Attention all golf course owners and operators – the golf industry is an extremely competitive retail environment – the competition comes from many sources other than the courses in your market radius.  Why not work together?  Why go it alone – we can help!!

  • Group purchasing opportunities for members with new products and services are offered throughout the year from Midwest Golf Course Owner Association as well as from the National Golf Course Owners Association.
  • Midwest Golf Course Owner Association provides Networking opportunities with other golf course owners at meet ‘n greets throughout the year. The Association holds an annual educational conference and trade show held to advance your knowledge of the golf industry with seminars, round table discussions and exhibits.
  • The Midwest Golf Course Owner Association promotes collaborative advertising and promotional activities which encourages more “rounds of golf” at member courses. Cooperative efforts with governmental agencies such as the various state Department of Tourism and other golf-related entities to further increase exposure and the understanding of the economic contribution of golf to a state’s vital tourism industry.
  • Internet visibility is a key essential in communicating with member courses as well as the general public. The official Web site of the Midwest Golf Course Owner Association, mwgcoa.com is a valuable resource for members to receive up-to-date information on the golf industry. In addition, member golf courses will be listed with Website addresses so you have a direct link from the golf course directory page to other member courses for ease of communication amongst members.

We hope you’ll consider joining us today and start taking advantage of your membership with the Midwest Golf Course Owner Association.

Facility Membership Application

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Corporate Member and Sponsorship Benefit of Membership Section

Attention all vendors and suppliers currently not a vendor or supplier to the golf industry – did you know – Golf course owners and operators are the most discretionary buyers in the business of golf and our organization works to aggregate them so you can access the decision makers for each location. Why not work together?  Why go it alone – we can help!! 

Corporate Membership is open to all suppliers of goods and services to the golf course industry and their agents, distributors, dealers and representatives.  Benefits of Corporate Membership.

  • An invitation to attend our Annual Education Conference and Deal Makers Trade Show. One representative per Corporate Membership are included in the social activities, luncheons, receptions. A standard decorated 6×8 booth at the conference as well as company sign.
  • Participation in the Annual Owners Golf Outing held every year at the Midwest Golf Course Owner Association’s “Golf Course of the Year”.
  • Opportunity for Sponsorship for these and future events for additional branding and goodwill with member golf course owners.
  • Use of Corporate Membership MWGCOA initials on your stationary, brochures, business cards, and website.
  • Inclusion as a Corporate Member on our website mwgcoa.com and advertising privileges on the site.
  • We hope you’ll consider joining us today and start taking advantage of your membership with the Midwest Golf Course Owner Association.

Corporate Membership Application

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